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User Stories

Is The Product Owner The Only One Writing User Stories

User stories open meaningful conversations. They help you plan and prioritize the features you want to build. And they keep you focused on what delivers value to your customers.  A question you might have come across many times is who...

Splitting User Stories – Why You’re Doing It Wrong

Although breaking down user stories is one of the important skills of an Agile team, we struggle often to split those working items into smaller pieces.  Even if not all user stories will fit under the same approach, there are...

Refining User Stories – 4 Common Mistakes

Not covering some essential details when you present user stories to developers can affect the sprint. When these details are overlooked, developers don’t entirely understand from the beginning what they have to build.  They start the development of a feature,...

How To Split Complex User Stories Into More Manageable Items

Do you find it difficult to split complex user stories? Do not worry, it’s a common thing that happens among many teams.   Some teams don’t break down such stories because it’s difficult to find the value behind each subpart of...

How To Deal With An Empty Product Backlog

Your next Sprint is getting close, and you’ve run out of user stories. What now? What will your team work on, considering the empty Product Backlog coming ahead?  If you blame yourself for letting this happen, know that no matter...

Understanding Epics, Features, And User Stories

To avoid constraining teams, the Scrum Guide is not clear about each of these terms’ purposes. So there is a lot of confusion on how to capture requirements for a product or application. Different companies and individuals have different...

Is There A Right Way To Write User Stories

A user story must always reflect a business need, they are structured as system behavior functional descriptions. Of course, some user stories will generate adjacent tasks that are more technical oriented, that aim attention on non-functional system support. We...

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