Is There A Right Way To Write User Stories

A user story must always reflect a business need, they are structured as system behavior functional descriptions. Of course, some user stories will generate...

Why Should You Timebox Scrum Events And How To Do It

In scrum, timeboxing is an outstanding component. The events are thought to be built in such a manner that it helps teams focus only...

Why Is Your Daily Scrum Boring

If you are going to ask someone what is scrum, besides the people who have never heard about it, I’m sure that in most...

Who Should Attend The Daily Scrum Event (And Why)

People in different roles can attend the Daily Scrum Event, but there is a purpose for each one of them to be there. That...

When Should Each Scrum Event Take Place During A Sprint

To properly schedule the Scrum Events, you need to think about the best structure and flow that is suitable for your team and for...

What’s Velocity And How Can It Help You Plan Future Sprints

Many teams don’t track their velocity, which can become a bit of a problem because you have no data to look at. You...

Sprint 0 – Help Or Impediment?

There are a lot of opinions on whether sprint 0 should exist or not in a Scrum project. I personally think that what is...

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